Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Movie

        My movie was a great tool to learn how to implement into my classroom because you can incorporate memories and lessons into live action, which will capture the audience’s attention. With using this is in the classroom, students will engage more with the lesson with capturing their attention and make them want to learn. Common core lists how important communication and collaboration is in the classroom. With this specific movie tool, teachers can share with others around the world and show how their classes are learning or projects their classes have done on certain subjects. Common core says using technology in the classroom interreges and prompts students learning but, teachers do have to realize the content they are adding into the movie and remember to cite sources because teachers can only use 10% of data. Also, adding students pictures is a delicate thing and teachers must get parents’ permission at all times. Creativity and innovation are listed in NET-S and with the my movie tool, this opens the door for creativity and ideas on how to express different kinds of information.

Dr. Parker I have tried several computers and internet connections and I could not get my movie to pull up. I know you can understand how frustrating it is when technology does not work.

Web Tools

The web tools assignment was a great way to help us learn how to incorporate those tools with our teaching. You can use those tools for just about anything and I am glad I know how to use them now especially as a student. The quiz let will be great for learning words and the rubric website looks like a lifesaver for teachers! I actually just used the crossword puzzle for another class to incorporate in a lesson of mine. I also used in my thematic unit a concept map and it was the perfect tool because I was able to use pictures to help make it more fun and interesting for children. Another tool I used in my science class was my quizlet account. It makes it extremely easy to use and you get a great studying tool with hardly any effort. I would much rather use quizlet than write out my own note cards every time for a test.

In the common core standards, it tells us that technology is a great tool to use in the classroom. All of these tools we have learned can be greatly implemented in our classroom and we can use these tools to broaden our students horizons with finding information from different sources. Technology is growing tremendously and our students need to be on board with todays generation, which means us teachers need to be aware of the technological changes and to always be up to par.  
